Generally, malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium which is a parasite that infects red blood cells. There are five types of malaria which are Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium knowlesi. Malaria is usually transmitted from human-to-human by the Anopheles mosquito Malaria is regarded as one of the world's deadliest tropical parasitic diseases. It claims more lives than any other communicable disease except tuberculosis. In Africa and other developing countries, it also accounts for millions of dollars in medical costs. Malaria, however, is a curable disease if promptly diagnosed and adequately treated Mar 19, · Essay # 1. Introduction to Malaria: Malaria (= Ague) is a widely known human disease. It is caused by infection with a pathogenic protozoan parasite of blood, the Plasmodium. Four species of Plasmodium,viz., P. vivax, P. falciparum. P. malariae and P. ovale, are so far known to infect human beings, causing different types of blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
Malaria Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines
Faster and secure way to pay. If you need to write an essay on Malaria virusthen the following sample can help you with that. In addition, you have an opportunity to order it on WriteMyEssayOnline.
An interesting remark about our service: as a rule, all of our customers remain satisfied with our service, and come back to us again. It does not matter what type of paper you need to deal with, our writers can handle any assignment. Using our service offers great advantages such as: help to write essay from highly qualified specialists, the personal approach, reasonable prices, first class service. You have a wide choice of essays on malaria and you can find the most suitable one for your order.
For example, you need to write an essay on Malaria, then you can choose a writer who has a degree in medicine or health care. Our site is full of professionals that are ready to help students in the fastest possible way. Read through the following essay to see how our writers write papers on the medicine topics. Commonly, on tropical and sub-tropical countries, essays on malaria, malaria virus is a fatal disease that can be acquired in a mosquito bite.
Female anopheles mosquitoes are the known carrier of such virus. However, not all mosquitoes of this kind transmit it; it is known that at 20 and above temperatures, the virus completes its cycle on this kind of mosquito, therefore, people living in colder areas and high altitude places are less prone to this virus.
Essays on malaria, virus transmission is most likely to occur on warmer regions and happens all year-round. If this kind of mosquito is the known carrier, then, where does it really originate? Contrary to the belief of Laveran that there was only one kind of such parasite; several kinds of human malaria parasites were discovered then.
Inthe name Plasmodium vivax and malariae were coined by Giovanni Batista Grassi and Raimondo Filetti. Succeeded by the discovery of P. falciparum by William H. WelchP. ovale by John William Watson Stephens and P. knowlesi by Robert Knowles and Biraj Mohan Das Gupta Out of these five species, falciparum and vivax were known to pose the greatest threat to humans.
Therefore, mosquitoes are only the medium of transfer of this parasite in to humans. Mosquitoes become infected and with the right temperature, sporogonic cycle, the time interval during which the parasite develops in the mosquito, happens. Once a human is infected, the parasites develop maturity in the liver essays on malaria travel into the bloodstream where they attack the red blood cells. The body will then show symptoms such as high fever, nausea, headache, vomiting, anemia, bloody stool, muscle pain, convulsions and diarrhea.
Malaria treatment depends on the severity, essays on malaria, the specie of the parasite and essays on malaria place where it was possibly acquired. Common drugs used for treatment are quinine, quinidine and chloroquine. On the other hand, patients who cannot take medications orally will be treated with continuous intravenous IV fluid infusion.
There is no known available vaccine that can provide life-long protection from acquiring this infection, essays on malaria. InWHO announced that pilot project deployment will be started in three sub-Saharan African countries; initial phase will be started in In a nutshell, malaria is a fatal disease which is common on countries near the equator where mosquitoes and the parasites can develop.
Medical prevention, such as vaccine, is yet to be discovered and deployed in these countries. Hence, the most effective way to avert getting infected is to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. Mosquito nets, essays on malaria, insecticides and mosquito coils are known to be the most efficient way. World Health Organization, essays on malaria. Burke, Darla. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Every customer who asks us, write my essaywill get professional writing assistance here.
If you dream of essays on malaria well-written papers, then we can help you with this. Your email address will not be essays on malaria. We now accept Faster and secure way to pay. Essay on Malaria Commonly, on tropical and sub-tropical countries, malaria virus is a fatal disease that can be acquired in a mosquito bite.
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3 Questions on Malaria
, time: 3:28Essay on Malaria | Bartleby
Apr 06, · Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites, which are spread, to people through bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes, which are referred to as malaria vectors known to bite primarily between dusk and dawn. Four parasite species that result in malaria in humans are the following: (1) Plasmodium falciparum; (2) Plasmodium vivax; (3) Plasmodium malariae; Essay on malaria. Words3 Pages. It is one of the ten deadliest diseases of all time. It effects men, women, children, and animals. It is in full force in Africa, India, Asia, China, South America, and the Caribbean. This disease is malaria. Nearly 40 percent of the world’s population lives in areas that are effected by the disease Malaria is regarded as one of the world's deadliest tropical parasitic diseases. It claims more lives than any other communicable disease except tuberculosis. In Africa and other developing countries, it also accounts for millions of dollars in medical costs. Malaria, however, is a curable disease if promptly diagnosed and adequately treated
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